Be Loyal to Yourself

Throughout your career, you will earn many opportunities to display your talents.  Each new job presents a chance for you to advance your career.  As people, we want to show loyalty to those that have given us opportunities.  It’s an idealistic approach and one that is admirable.  After all, you should show a some loyalty to those that afford you opportunities.  I would never tell you not to.

However, understand that loyalty is not necessarily always a two-way street.  It would be nice if that were the case, and sometimes it is, but many times it is not.  That’s why it is imperative to to understand that all of us are replaceable.  Many times in an instant. I’ve learned this the hard way a few times in my career, and I have heard the same from fellow announcers.   I know of a broadcaster that felt stable and secure in his job, only to be let go after one season because he did not test particularly well in a very small focus group formed by his employer.  Just like that, he was let go.

I have also had many conversations with baseball announcers that have felt a sense of uneasiness about looking for other opportunities while they are currently employed.  They feel a sense of loyalty to their current bosses.  Even if you are happy with your current position, you should always be looking to improve your skills and marketability.  Don’t ever feel bad about looking around. Stepping out of the box and calling other sports in the off-season is a great way to make new contacts and expand your versatility.  The more versatile you become, the more marketable you are, and in turn, the more it provides some insulation against a sudden change in your employment status.  In other words, if you are let go, you’ll have a better chance of finding new work if your resume is more diverse.

Always keeping your eyes open for opportunities is smart, regardless of your current situation.  You may be loyal to your team or network, but that loyalty won’t always flow back to you.  It’s for that reason that you should always look out for your best interest.  In the end, only be totally loyal to yourself and your family.  It will reduce your chances of ever getting burned.